Friday, September 23, 2016

Reading 2A, 3A, 6A, 7A Mid-Unit Assessment

Happy Friday!!! Here is the website update I promised on Wednesday. Your Kellar Scholar should be bringing home his or her assessment to complete over this weekend.

There were some students who finished in class, but refused to take it home to make sure they followed all of the directions and make sure they answered all of the questions thoroughly. They felt that they did the best job they could.

Here are the sentence starters for the questions. Please use them! The number of the sentence starter applies to the question on the assessment:

  1. After a first read, my general sense of what happened in Chapter 4: “My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting” is
  2. A challenge that Percy faces in pages 52 - 56 is ...
A response to this challenge is …

  1. Percy’s choices tell us about his strengths in the section on pages 52-56 … Evidence to support this is …
  2. Based on Percy’s choices on pages 52-56, my opinion of Percy is … I believe this because … Evidence to support this is …
  3. Percy has changed as a character from the beginning of the novel up until this point by … Evidence from the novel that supports this is …

Please, reread your answers and ask yourself the following:

  • Have I followed the directions of this question and answered the question according to what is being asked?
  • Have I provided evidence from the book to support my answer or my inference in the form of
    • a direct quote? or
    • a paraphrase of a specific scene with page number?
Please, make sure that you have answered every question, providing any details that the question is asking you to provide.

I will update this post if I think of anything else.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the novel online:

Good luck! Have a great weekend!

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