Monday, September 26, 2016


Today was a rough day for this class. It's the last class of the day, so I understand that students are restless to get out of school; however, today's behavior was just disrespectful. There was so much talking and distraction that I could not get to what I needed to teach.

So, I need to make sure the scholars get it down at home.

  1. They need to finish reading chapter 5 (pages 73 - 74) and write evidence flags for any interaction that Percy has with another character from 67 - 74 as well as what these interactions tell you about Percy as a character.
  2. Write the following notes in your Reading Journal:

The Hero’s Journey


Joseph Campbell, an American psychologist and mythological researcher, wrote a famous book titled The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Campbell discovered many common patterns that are in many hero myths and stories from around the world. He described several basic stages that almost every hero goes through.

The Hero’s Journey - Act 1: Separation

The Ordinary World

Heroes exist in a world that is considered ordinary or uneventful by those who live there. Often people in the ordinary world consider the heroes odd. The possess some ability or characteristic that makes them feel out of place.

We will begin class tomorrow with a brain teaser and a journal entry, then we will discuss these notes and what they have to do with The Lightning Thief.

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