Tuesday, October 11, 2016

READING 1A: Notes from today's classes & comments on the notices that went home today...

READING 1A: The class I see FIRST THING IN THE MORNING (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM)

On Friday, October 14, 2016, the Reading 1A class will be taking a mid-unit assessment for The Lightning Thief. The students are working on a activity in class that will give them practice on responding to a close reading of a section of the story. This requires that they find quotes from the book to support the answers they give. They have been working on these questions for a few days, and some of the scholars are still having a difficult time. They will have a short amount of time to work on it during class tomorrow morning, but if they do not finish, I will have them take it home with them to finish for Thursday.

Here are the questions. The answers must be in complete sentences. I have also supplied sentence starters for the scholars to use to make sure they give a proper, detailed response.

  • Read or review the scene on pages 38 from “Eventually, I got up the nerve…” to page 40 “...and I didn’t want that.”
  • Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

  1. What is an example of a challenge Percy faces in pages 38 - 40? How does he respond to these challenges? Be sure to cite evidence from the novel (quotes, detailed explanation using the story, page numbers) to support your answer.
  2. What does Percy say that he regrets? What does this tell the reader about him? Cite evidence from the novel (quotes, detailed explanation using the story, page numbers).
  3. How does Percy’s mom describe his dad in this scene?
  4. At the bottom of page 39, Percy says he is “not normal.” What does he mean? Why does he say it?

Use these sentence starters to make sure you answer in FULL SENTENCES:

  1. One example of a challenge Percy faces in pages 38 - 40 is __________. He responds to this challenge by ____________
  2. Percy regrets saying ____________. This tells the reader that Percy is _____________
  3. Percy’s mom describes Percy’s dad in this scene as _____________
  4. By saying that he is not normal, Percy means________. He says this because ______________

Today, notices were went home with those scholars who are in danger of failing reading class. This does not mean that the scholar is done. I am accepting work throughout this week, but the work needs to be completed with pride, and the scholar needs to read and follow all of the directions. If I receive work from a scholar, and the directions have not been followed, or little effort has been put in to doing the best job he or she can, the grade will not change.

Please, be sure to sign the notice and have your scholar bring it back tomorrow.

Thank you for all your support!

Mr. Ridges

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