Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Reading 2A (9:30-10:30), 3A (10:30 - 11:30), 6A (12:40 - 1:40), 7A (1:40 - 2:40)


Connecting The Lightning Thief and the Hero’s Journey

Quote from The Lightning Thief
Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
Explain the relationship between these two quotes.
“I have dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and I had never made above a C- in my life.”
“Heroes possess some ability or characteristic that makes them feel out-of-place.”
These quotes are related because Percy has characteristics that make him feel out of place, and this is a challenge many heroes face.

Quote from The Lightning Thief
Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
Explain the relationship between these two quotes.
“With a yelp, I dodged and felt talons slash the air next to my ear. I snatched the ballpoint pen out of the air, but when it hit my hand, it wasn’t a pen anymore. It was a sword—Mr. Brunner’s bronze sword, which he always used on tournament day.”
“Heroes find a mystic (magical) object or discover their world is in danger.”

What is the connection between the quotes?

-Make this connection in your own words.

Quote from The Lightning Thief
Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
Explain the relationship between these two quotes.
“I remember Mr. Brunner’s serious expression, his thousand- year-old-eyes. I will accept only the best from you, Percy Jackson.
“The mentor often gives the hero the means to complete the quest. Some of the time the gift is simply wisdom.”
Quote from The Lightning Thief
Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
Explain the relationship between these two quotes.
Grover blushed right down to his Adam’s apple. ‘Look, Percy I kind of have to protect you.’”
“Every hero needs a helper much like every hero needs a sidekick. Most heroes would fail miserably without their helpers.”
Quote from The Lightning Thief
Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
Explain the relationship between these two quotes.
“His neck was a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes and horns ...”
“As they embark on their journey, the heroes enter a world they have never experienced before. It might be filled with supernatural creatures, breathtaking sights, and the constant fear of death.”

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