Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading 2A, 3A, 6A, 7A: "The Hero's Journey" Annotation, Gist Statement, Recording Form AND BOOK 2 of the Notes (Pink Booklets) Due Tomorrow!

"The Hero's Journey" Notes

On the back of BOOK 1, 

make sure to have the following written:
align: to line up or make parallel; to bring into cooperation or agreement with a particular group, party,cause, etc

archetype: a model after which other things are copied or repeated, like a pattern.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, November 15, 2016), BOOK 2 is due. Every page must be filled in with the Stage from "The Hero's Journey" and a quote from that stage. REMEMBER, all of your answers come from Act 1: Separation (The first page of the packet).

Page 1

Here are some things to keep in mind as you are aligning the quotes from the two texts:

Page 2 
Stage From “The Hero’s Journey”
Remember that you are writing only the TITLE of the STAGE, here. Keep the following in mind as you are looking for the correct stage:

  • Camp half blood is a place that Percy has never experienced before, full of creatures and beings that he never thought actually exist.
Page 3 
Archetype of the hero’s journey: Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
You are looking for a quote from the stage you’ve chosen on the previous page that most CLOSELY aligns with the quote from The Lightning Thief. Make sure that it relates specifically.
Page 4

Page 5
Stage From “The Hero’s Journey”
Remember that you are writing only the TITLE of the STAGE, here. Keep the following in mind as you are looking for the correct stage:

  • Who is saying this quote? What role does this character play in Percy’s life at both Yancey Academy and Camp Half-Blood?
Page 6 
Archetype of the hero’s journey: Quote from “The Hero’s Journey”
You are looking for a quote from the stage you’ve chosen on the previous page that most CLOSELY aligns with the quote from The Lightning Thief. Make sure that it relates specifically.
Here are the links for Vocabulary Journal words for CHAPTERS 1 - 3 and CHAPTERS 3&4

And, the chart from the bellwork slides:

Minnows (94)
Stocked (97)
Millenia (95)
Annual (99)
Sensation (94)
Mischievous (100)
Pier (95)
Seniority (102)
Summoned (97)
Belching (103)
Dictionary Check must be done for homework.
Pulverize (107)
Prominently (118)
Maiming (118)

Here is a link to the QUESTIONS for CHAPTERS 8 - 22

If you have any questions, please contact me at (708) 206-7952 or

Work hard! 

Mr. Ridges

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