Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Hero's Journey: Links and Notes to Help


I hope you are enjoying your day off. Please, follow the events of today's election. It is a historical one.

TOMORROW, you will need to have the following for class:

  • Vocabulary Journal with 12 entries, containing ALL FIVE (5) steps... 1) Word 2) Page Number 3) Context Clue Guess 4) Context Clue Evidence 5) Dictionary Check. Here is a link to a list of vocabulary words for The Lightning Thief: CLICK HERE.

  • Your annotated copy of "The Hero's Journey", with gist statements and the Recording Form completed. If you cannot find your copy, here is a link to the Hero's Journey Excerpt.

  • Book 1 and Book 2 of notes taken last week. Be prepared to find quotes from "The Hero's Journey" that ALIGN with The Lightning Thief. Here is a link to THE ALIGNMENT NOTES. This link also contains links to the comprehension questions for The Lightning Thief and the text of the novel online.
If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: dridges@prsd1435.org or 708-206-7952

See you tomorrow!

Mr. Ridges

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